Monday, March 10, 2014

Good Things

Mondays suck. Like, they really suck.

I dread Mondays with the burning intensity of a thousand white boy suns. I've never had a good track record with sleeping, thanks to chronic insomnia and bad dreams, so Monday mornings are really hard for me. Waking up early to take Bear to school after tossing and turning for hours is a bad way to start the day, let alone the week.

So this morning I decided to start keeping track of the good things that happen to me on Mondays.

Some good things that have happened to me on this otherwise crappy Monday:
-My financial aid request got approved, which means I start my next three classes on March 31.

-I got a gorgeous piece of happy mail from Mandy of Mandipidy.

-The shirt I've been waiting for came today.

-I resisted the urge to stop in at Wendy's and grab a burger. I rewarded myself with coffee.

-I mailed off 2 custom orders.

-I'm married to this amazing, understanding man.

-I was told by a good friend that she is making me a gift!

-I captured this gorgeous sunset in photo.

-I get to take the night off and just relax.

So despite all of the things that make Monday bad, there are also things that make Monday good. I'm going to try and focus on that more often.

Make sure you check the goodthingsonmonday hashtag on Instagram, and tag the good things that happen to you!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Rough Weeks

If I were one to lie, I would say that this week has been pretty smooth sailing.

Unfortunately, I don't like lying, even if it means coming clean about the fact that I've spent more time this week crying than not.

I've got a lot on my plate, and I don't get a day off. My day to day schedule looks like this:
-Wake up and take Bear to preschool
-Do homework while Sper eats breakfast and plays 
-Pick Bear up from preschool
-Lunch and playtime with the boys
-On Wednesdays, nap time is pushed back a couple of hours so that the boys can go to speech and occupational therapy
-During nap time, I clean and, if my homework is all caught up, I work on orders and talk to Husband on Skype 
-After naps, the boys get to watch a show while I get dinner ready and clean
-Dinner, baths, and more cleaning or homework
-After the boys are down for the night, I work on orders and finish any homework I have
-Fridays are a bit better, since Bear doesn't have preschool, but I do have to take them to therapy still

All of this, with errands and shopping and appointments mixed in. The weekends are best because I don't have to go anywhere.

With all of this, I'm surprised that I haven't broken down before now. But I did. I ended up calling Husband at midnight my time crying. 

I've been so incredibly blessed this deployment. I get to talk to my husband almost everyday, schedules are mostly  predictable, I'm able to go to school, and my business has been picking up. No one has been seriously sick or injured since we came home from Utah, and my boys are angels (they're toddlers, though). 

Sometimes it gets to be too much. I wonder if I've taken on too many projects, if I need to cancel some appointments, extend production time. I've actually stepped back from a few things because the thought of doing that, too, has sent me into a full-fledged panic attack.

I'm so thankful that I have such a good support system of friends and family that I can talk to when it gets to be too much. I even have a place to escape to when I need a façade of me time. Everyone needs someone to support them, even in the tiniest ways. It really is a good thing.